Based in Richmond, VA, Wing Building is a blog by Harley Stagner. His posts will chart his journey towards becoming a published fiction writer.

Finding an Audience Through Coraline Reviews

Finding an Audience Through Coraline Reviews

I've been holding down the fort this week. So, naturally, we've had the same movie on loop every evening. Thankfully, it just happens to be one of my favorites, Coraline. This wonderfully animated stop-motion gem based on the novella by the fantastically talented Neil Gaiman, is a must see, in my opinion. That is, if you can inform yourself before you just let your kids watch it simply because it is "animated."

Here's the deal. Neil Gaiman is a master at eliciting real scares without resorting to gore or gimmicks. The stories he tells are truly haunting. Think "The Shining" for a younger audience. Slow-burn, intelligent, horror stories. They are brilliant.

What is not so brilliant are the people that blast this movie for not being "kid-friendly." Let's take a look at some of the so-called reviews on Common-Sense Media. Keep in mind these are reviews from adults.

1 out of 5 Stars:

This is, by far, the worst movie I have ever seen. The atmosphere is too depressing, it has no reference to anything happy at all, and the part in the theater is just, so... (shiver). Do NOT watch whatever you do, unless you want to have a pointless nightmare years after you see the stupid movie. I mean, I know that Burton's movies were creepy, but not THIS scary! Gosh, I hate this movie!

Where do I start? Who said all movies have to be cheerful, lollipop-filled, dreamlands with prancing unicorns and cotton candy? Also, this movie is NOT by Tim Burton. It's directed by Henry Selick based on the book by Neil Gaiman. Research, people. It doesn't take much.

A couple more choice ones.

1 out of 5 stars (Review title of "Horror-Line" haha clever!, Jesus.):

I wish I had read reviews before taking my 8 year old twins to this movie. I know my sentiment is shared with the parents of the 4 and 5 year olds I spoke to outside the theater today. In the movie trailer it looks like an artistic film with cute little girl in it...

There is one terrifying scene after another. What kind of kid enjoys getting scared to death at the movies...?


Sheesh, no need to yell. We get it, you are a sheep that blindly follows marketing. I wish you had read the reviews as well. Also, I happen to enjoy horror movies. I developed my appreciation for them at a young age when my parents used to take me to see them. Does that make me or them some kind of monster? Spoiler alert, I turned out okay.

1 out of 5 stars:

I don't know what sort of twisted person wrote or produced this but I am appalled that it has actually been made...!

Really!!! I as an adult will have nightmares about this there is no way I would let young children watch this ever! I think the writers should take a good look at what children should actually watch, children have enough worries and nightmares! Why make more using something that should be a lighthearted fun activity. Bring back heartfelt, comedic animations with life lessons.

I find the sentence structure and grammar displayed here appalling. It's like the person just threw exclamations at the page to see where they would stick. I have a life lesson for you. Life is not always lighthearted, the good guys don't always win, and your children will be taken advantage of from their naiveté that you have instilled in them.

If only there were some kind of message or warning on the main Common Sense Media page for Coraline. Like this one.

Parents need to know that this movie will scare young kids. Slightly less creepy than the book on which it was based, the movie is still quite dark... Your young kids may be interested in seeing the movie thanks to the massive marketing campaign, but this isn't an age-appropriate pick for them. This movie deals with mature themes -- being careful what you wish for, thinking the grass is always greener, and being disappointed in your parents -- that are best suited for tweens and up.

It's almost like these parents just saw the PG rating on this "animated" movie and, like the sheep they are, led their kids to the slaughter.

So what was all this ranting about? I have learned a very valuable lesson from these reviews. I want to write for intelligent readers that can read beyond the surface. Also, I know that I have made it if I ever piss off one of these people. 

Drawing My Wings

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Bradbury Prescription Day 4: Frost, Bradbury, Huxley

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